Généalogie >> Ordre Gruiformes >> Famille Gruidés
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Hornborgasjön Lake, Västergötland


Marque Nikon D300
Objectif Nikkor AF-S VR 70-200 mm f/2.8G   at 375 mm
Exposition 1/200 s, f/7.1, ISO 1600 
Taille de l'image 800 x 534 pixels


Deutsch  Kranich Dutch  Kraanvogel
Italian  Gru cenerina Spanish  Grulla Común


Staging sites, where migrating birds gather to rest and feed in the middle of their migration, may witness thousands of cranes gathering at once. However, the flocks of the species are not stable social units but rather groups that ensure greater safety in numbers and collectively draw each other's attention to ideal foraging and roosting sites.

Common Crane


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Grue cendrée
Grus grus
Common Crane

Jean-Michel PAULUS